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It mean revoked IMMEDIATELY, without a hearing. In other words "go directly to jail."

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Q: What is summarily revoked probation?
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Can your probation be revoked over restitution?

If restitution was part of your probation sentence and you are not complying with it - you could find your probation revoked and be remanded to jail.

Can your probation be revoked in Texas if you are financially unable to pay probation fees?

Yes, your probation will be revoked if you do not pay probation fees, if you miss your probation hearing, or if you fail a drug test.

Who sentences you in your probation revocation hearing?

The judge who granted you probation sentences you if your probation is revoked.

What does it mean when a sentence probation is revoked?

The judge reviews the probationer's supervison history and violations and determines if the offender's probation should be revoked or modified. Revoked usually means a period of incarceration.

What does revoke probation hearing mean?

Probation is a constant monitoring of the wear a bouts and activities of an individual rather than having them in prison. Revoked probation means that they violated the trust and have been returned to prison.

How much time would you do if your probation is revoked on a 2year sentence with held?

If your probation is revoked then you could be required to serve the two years that were withheld initially.

Can my probation be revoked for being too poor in the state of Texas when all I have left is my attorney fees?

Probation can't be revoked for "being too poor." It can be revoked for failure to pay court ordered fines and fees.

Do you have to be found guilty of new charges before your probation is revoked?

No, your probation is for a past offense and can be revoked at any point by your probation officer. ANSWER No you do not need to be found guilty of new charges. Any violation of the conditions of probation can result in revocation. Probation officers do not revoke probation only a judge can order probation revoked.

What will happen if you smoke marijuana in Illinois if you are on probation?

You could have your probation revoked and go back to prison.

What does reinstating probation mean?

If you wree 'violated' and had your probation revoked - it means that the judge is giving it back to you.

Will you spend the whole 3 years that you had left on probation in jail if you decide to turn yourself in after going to another state when your probation was revoked with 3 years left?

Very likely. The answer lies within the question. The probation was REVOKED. If the judge revoked your sentence of probation that leaves only one possibility, he meant for you to be removed from your supervised freedom and remanded to jail.

Will your probation be revoked for being arrested?

In all likliehood, yes.