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Rights previously sold to coal, oil, or gas are recorded as part of the deed, as are "right of way" rights shared or own (exclusively) by another party such as for a shared lane (road) to enter the property.

Encumbrances is a catch all word that encompasses all the different types of rights and restrictions that can affect an owner's rights in real property.

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Q: What is recorded against title to property to limit the owners right to use the property?
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Can two banks have a lien on the same title?

Yes. there is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded against a property.

How many civil judgment liens can be placed on a piece of property?

There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.

Is there not a finite time limit for altering a property boundary by either adjacent property owner?

One property owner cannot alter a property line. The owners of the property on either side of the line must agree to the alteration and draft a boundary line agreement. The agreement should be drafted by an attorney who specializes in real estate law and recorded in the land records.

Are demonstrations on private property protected by the 1st amendment?

Nope, private property owners, whether individuals or business entities, are free to limit expressive conduct on their property. This includes protests, but can be anything up to and including letters on a t-shirt. Private property owners can have parties that refuse to comply with their requests to limit unwanted conduct removed by police and prosecuted for trespassing.

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Eminent domain does not "limit your right to own property". Most property owners never encounter the government's right of eminent domain. Eminent domain may affect your property rights at some point but it does not limit your right to own property.

Can one property have more than one lien against it?

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What is the Statute of limitation on real estate debt?

If the debt is on real property, there is no limit. The debt is a lien against the property and the debtor collects on sale. A lien is valid as long as the property exists, and land seldom disappears.

How did Mississippi law limit the acitvities of slaves?

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Can someone place a lien on your property if you already have a lien against it?

There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded against the title of any property.Generally, any creditor can sue you in court and obtain a judgment lien against you if they are successful. The lien must be recorded in the land records. When creditors force the sale of the property, lien holders are paid according to the priority by which their liens were recorded in the land records. Other formulas may be used in the case of bankruptcy.A mechanic's lien is a security interest evidenced by a recorded lien on the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The laws for this type of lien vary in different jurisdictions and must be carefully followed.The lienholders normally get paid in the order of when their lien attached to the property--"first in time, first in right". However, this can change if a government entity liens the property, such as for past taxes. In that case, the government lien may supersede the other liens. Also keep in mind that if the property is foreclosed due to the liens, the sales proceeds may be insufficient to pay off all liens. Those that are not paid will still have their judgments which can, theoretically, be satisfied through other mechanisms of collection allowed by governing law.

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for the purpose of business working capital bank sanction against property and stock+debtors-credit = cash credit

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