It means that a court threw out the violation warrant as being invalid or against your rights. Many times, courts make a mistake by not processing paperwork fast enough and then realize all the requirements were met after issuing an arrest warrant. This means the judge would have to void the violation warrant.
If the offense you were found guilty of when you received your probation sentence was a felony, then your violation will be a felony warrant.
another word for warrant is a violation
Violation of Probation Warrant
The cost of a warrant varies per county and traffic violation. A warrant may equal to the price of the violation or ticket issued plus court cost.
Violation Of Probation
You can be held until the violation is resolved.
No. A traffic warrant is issued for a specific code violation in this case - traffic. Whereas a "bench" warrant means that the warrant was issued on the authority of the judge for whatever reason.
A blue warrant is a violation of probation/parole
There is none. The warrant will not go away until it is served (person arrested).
Don't understand the question. If the authotrities do not have a warrant, then WHAT are they holding you on? If the 'wanting' jurisdiction has teletyped a "hoild" order until a warrant can be issued, that is sufficient to hold you. If it is an 'in-state violation,' mere knowledge that you are wanted is sufficient.
A white warrant is a term used for someone who has a parole violation. The person that has the white warrant is usually picked up by police and taken back to prison.