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It is a minimum of 1 year but can be up to 50 years.

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Q: What is punishment of Accessory to class 2 felony in Nebraska?
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What is the punishment for a class 6 felony?

That depends on the jurisdiction. You need to say where you're talking about.

What is the punishment for fourth degree petite larceny class e felony in NY state?

What is the punisment for fourth degree petite larceny, class e felony in NY state?

What is the punishment for a felony?

It depends on what class the felony is. For Class 1 felonies the penalty is death or life in prison and a fine of up to $100,000. For Class 6 felonies the penalty is one to five years in jail.

What is the punishment for a class D felony for a minor in Oregon?

Oregon labels a class D felony as an unclassified crime. Each unclassified crime in Oregon has its own fine and prison sentence.

What is the Class B felony punishment in Iowa?

A class "B" felon shall be confined for no more than twenty-five years.

What is the class D felony in Michigan?

Class C felony punishment in Michigan is up to 15 years in prison. Class C felonies include human trafficking that result in the person being hurt, robbery, and manslaughter

What is the punishment for class 3 felony in Colorado?

4-12 years, 4-16 if there are aggrivating circumstances

What is the punishment for class 3 felony in Ohio?

The penelty by state rule is. That by ruling of an Ohio certified judge. Any person who may commit a class 3 felony can get 2-10 years in prison

What is the punishment for bigamy in Washington state?

The punishment is divorce and paying alimony.

What is the punishment for krs code 514.110 in KY?

It all depends on which part of KRS 514.110 you are referring to. There are several conditions which determines whether it is a felony or misdemeanor. If the value of the property is U/$500 then it is a Class A Misdemeanor, O/$500 but U/$10,000.00, then it is a Class D Felony. Over $10,000 is a Class C Felony. If it is a Firearm, regardless of the value, it is a Class D Felony. Punishment can range from fines, jail, or prison. This is generally used when there is not enough evidence to prove that you actually stole the items, but said items are found on your possession.

What is the punishment in Texas for resisting arrest?

It is class A Misdemeanor but it's bumped up to a third degree felony if a weapon is used.