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Pretrial is the period after arraignment but before a trial.

During a pre-trial hearing any motions (evidence suppression, subpoenas, and even dismissal) that your attorney or the prosecution may have will be heard or scheduled for a motion hearing. In pre-trial the prosecution also has the authority to work out a plea agreement between the person and the prosecuting jurisdiction (local, county, state, etc). The defendant also has the right to change their plea (as is the norm with plea deals).

Also, pretrials are a time for the judge to get information as to case law, evidence, witnesses. During this phase of justice, witnesses come forth and testify before the Judge.

If the pre-trial yields no successful agreements between the defense and prosecution, a criminal trial or bench trial will take place.

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Q: What is pre trial mean in criminal case?
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Not necessarily, but if it is a criminal charge and you were un-represented at arraignment, by the time you reach the pre-trial hearing stage in the process, the court will in all probability have appointed you a public defender.

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In a legal case, the trial typically occurs after pre-trial procedures such as filing of the complaint, pre-trial motions, discovery, and settlement negotiations. The trial is where evidence is presented, arguments are made, and a verdict is reached.

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A criminal trial includes: Jury selection, opening statements, the state's case, the defense case, rebuttals, closing arguments, jury deliberation and verdict. For further information, please see the related links below.

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Motions in criminal litigation can be filed at various stages of the process, including before trial, during trial, and after trial. Common pre-trial motions include motions to suppress evidence, motions to dismiss the charges, and motions for discovery. During the trial, motions for a mistrial or motions to exclude certain evidence may be filed. After the trial, motions for a new trial or motions for sentencing modifications can be filed.

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A felony case is called when someone is charged with what the law considers a serious crime. There are three phases of a felony case: Arraignment (the preliminary hearing), the Second Arraignment (felony pre-trial), and Felony Trial (where a jury will hear the case).

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arrest - preliminary hearing - indictment - pre-trial hearing(s) - trial - sentencing.

How can you access all files created against you in a criminal investigation?

(1) Is it an ongoing investigation? (2) Is it part of your criminal trial? (3) Have you already been convicted and it's part of your trial package? If it's part of an investigation against you, you can't see it or gain access to it. If it's part of your trial or pre-trial procedure you can gain access to it by means of filing a motion for "disclosuure." If it's part of your trial case jacket, it is available at the Clerk Of the Court's Office where your trial was heard.

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What does case status mean on court index information form'?

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