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Q: What is person possibly responsible for a crime called?
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What is a person who collects evidence to a solve crime?

That person is called a forensic investigator or a crime scene investigator. They are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and preserving physical evidence from crime scenes in order to help solve crimes and provide evidence for legal proceedings.

If a twenty yr old commits a crime in NY and lives with his parents are the parents responsible?

They are not responsible for the crime of a 20 year old person no matter where the person lives, unless they somehow helped commit the crime in some way.

You were framed yet you didn't commit a crime and the person who framed you committed no crime how is this possible?

Possibly because I am a portrait or a picture. Framing a picture isn't a crime.

Someone who helps another person commit a crime?

It's called an accomplice, or a co-conspirator.

Who is responsible for controlling crime?

Police are responsible for controlling crime.

If someone starts a fight with you and you kill them is that a crime?

Yes. A crime happened. If the other person tried to kill you, then the other person is responsible for the crime even though you did the killing. If it was simply a fight and you suddenly decided to kill the other guy, then you committed a crime.

What is crime investigator job?

A crime investigation job requires an individual to use science and psychology to determine the cause of a crime. This helps to track down the person or people responsible.

Can you press chages on a person a week after the crime was to have happen?

Possibly. You will have to check with your local law enforcement agency to determine the answer to the question. Although "a crime is a crime," the immediate question that is going to be asked is, "Why the delay?"

What is an crime scene investigator?

To the best of my knowledge the professional person who investigates a crime where it was perpetrated is called "a crime on scene investigator".

What do you call a person at a crime scene that determines how a person died?

They are called the Coroner.

What is the person called committed a crime?

Criminal, perpetrator, suspect, person of interest.

What is accomplices?

An accomplice is a co-conspirator or actor in the commission of a crime. A person who assists in the plan but does not carry out the crime is called a conspirator. A person who assists in the plan and carries out the crime along is an accomplice.