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To enforce the laws

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Q: What is one power of the president in the executive branch?
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Is the executive branch is the one that had the power to the veto laws?

Yes the executive branch meaning the President can veto a bill.

In the Constitution which branch of the government can grant pardons?

According to current laws (and this should be in the Constitution as well), the Executive Branch, specifically the President of the United States, is allowed the 'power of pardon' (the ability to grant pardons).

Is the executive branch only allowed to veto?

No, the executive branch is not only allowed to veto. The executive branch has various powers, including enforcing laws, negotiating treaties, and appointing officials. Veto power is one of the tools the executive branch can use to influence legislation passed by the legislature.

How does the legislative check the executive branch?

Through the veto power.

What branch provide for our armed forces?

The Executive Branch is the one that is over the Armed Forces. The Executive Branch consists of the President and Vice President.

What power the executive branch hold over the legislative branch?

One power that the legislative branch holds over the executive branch is that for certain things to be done, the president needs to have a certain amount of votes in congress, and if they do not get that, some things are not able to get done.

What branch are the president and vice president in?

Both President and Vice President are part of the executive branch. The Vice-President's peculiar power to cast a tie-breaking vote in the US Senate led to then Vice-President Cheney to claim that the Vice President was NOT a member of the Executive Branch in a dispute over records requirements with the National Archives. The truth of the matter is that the Office of the Vice President is one of the most ill-defined and poorly thought-out positions in the US government (and, frankly in the Constitution, where it is treated with a bare 2 sentences)

What is a power that the executive branch has over the judicial branch and where can it be found?

The Powers to Tax and to Declare War are held by the Legislative Branch, exclusively as well as the Power to Impeach the president or vice president. These powers can be found in Article One of the United States Constitution.

What checks does the executive branch have over the legislative branch?

One is the impeachment process. The House has the exclusive power to impeach a president, and then the Senate tries the president. Another is the over-ride of a presidential veto.

Who is the head of the executive branch of a state?

this question is wrong the executive branch is controlled by the president and vice president so there is no head per state but for every one =]

What were the 3 branches of the American government?

One branch is the legislative branch. This is the law-making branch, which includes Congress and the Senate. The second branch is the executive branch. This is the branch that the President is under. He runs the country is the general of the US military. The final branch is the judicial branch. This branch is basically the Supreme Court.

How does the excutive branch check the legislative branch?

The President has the power to veto or deny Congress's bill's passing.