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Each state has its own laws about what "normal" visitation is - check with a lawyer familiar with the laws in your state.

However, most states have a uniform child possession law similar to that of Texas. In Texas, the child possession order is set out in the family law statutes, and most courts will use that law unless the specific circumstances indicate another schedule should be used, or child visitation should be reduced.

The Texas law has the non-possessory parent having visitation on the first, third, and fifth weekends of each month, beginning on Friday at 6:00 pm, and ending on Sunday at 6:00 pm. If that weekend is an extended holiday, the visitation includes that longer day, either Friday or Monday.

There is a Thursday evening visitation from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Major holidays are rotated between the parents, with one parent having Christmas and the other having Thanksgiving in even years, then vice versa in odd years. Spring break also rotates between the parents, unless the parents are more than 100 miles apart, when the "visiting" parent gets all spring breaks.

In summer, the "visiting" parent gets either 30 or 42 continuous days of possession, depending upon whether the parents reside within or outside of 100 miles of each other.

Check with your state's laws for specific laws regarding visitation.

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