Yes it is.
No Criminal charge. Civil is non criminal.
Is Mister Meaner the thug brother of Mister Muscle?
I'm assuming you are asking about a class A Misdemeanor... Generally the statute of limitations is 2 years.
That depends on what exactly the misdemeanor was for. If it's for domestic violence, the answer is no. If it's drug related, most likely, the answer will also be no.
Both misdemeanor and felony criminal offenses remain on your criminal record permanently, unless they are removed, such as by expungement.
A misdemeanor is a type of criminal offense; one which is less serious than a felony. Your question is poorly phrased and mis-spelled. Lay off the grass Cheech.
While a misdemeanor might normally not prevent your licensure, the fact that it was drug related might. You will have to contact the state agency that licenses nurses in Iowa and ask.
if you miss jury duty you can be sentenced to 60 days in jail and/or given a $1000 fine