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Q: What is mental disposition?
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What is biological disposition?

Biological disposition refers to an individual's genetic and physiological makeup that influences their behavior, emotions, and responses to stimuli. It can impact an individual's susceptibility to certain illnesses, mental health conditions, and tendencies towards specific traits or behaviors. Biological disposition is determined by a combination of genetic inheritance and environmental factors.

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What strategy is a student using when associating the word disposition with a picture of a model posing?

The student is using the strategy of visualization to help remember the word disposition. By connecting the word with a visual image of a model posing, they are creating a mental link that can aid in recalling the word when needed.

How would you use disposition a sentence?

He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.He had a nervous disposition and did not like going out alone at night.

What is the past tense of disposition?

The past tense of "disposition" is "dispositioned."

What rhymes with disposition?

Disposition rhymes with explosion exposition

What does a held disposition mean?

what does the disposition held mean

What is a sentence using the word disposition?

She has a happy and positive disposition that brightens up the room.

What is disposition of charge?

The 'disposition' is whatever the final action of the court was.

What is a court disposition?

Disposition refers to the final ruling or outcome.

What strategy is a student using when associating the word disposition with a picture of a model psoition?

The student is using a mnemonic strategy called visualization or mental imagery to connect the word "disposition" with the image of a model in a specific position. This technique helps to create a visual link between the word and its meaning, making it easier to remember and recall later.

What is the plural of disposition?

The plural can be dispositions (more than one person's disposition). The term would not be plural for disposition (settlement of property) although it involved multiple items.