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  • Blue collar refers to employees whose job entails (largely or entirely) physical labor, such as in a factory or workshop. For a piece of work to be termed blue collar, it should be directly related to the output generated by the firm, and its end result should be identifiable or tangible. Historically, in the West, manual workers wore blue shirt collars but clerical workers wore white
  • White collar refers to employees whose job entails, largely or entirely, mental or clerical work, such as in an office. The term white collar work used to characterize non-manual workers, but now it refers to employees or professionals whose work is knowledge intensive, non-routine, and unstructured. Historically, in the West, clerical workers wore white shirt collars but manual workers wore blue

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Q: What is meant by the term blue collar white collar?
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Are hairdressers blue collar workers?

Yes. Trades are considered blue collar even when the worker is highly skilled. Office workers are considered white collar, and a new term, green collar, refers to those employed in either office or trades in an ecological endeavor.

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What is the professional term for manual labor?

Blue collar work.

Who coined the term white-collar crime?

Edwin Sutherland in 1939

Who coined the term blue collar crime?

Professor Edwin Hardin Sutherland

Why did white collar workers have more time time off than blue collar workers?

(They could stop working when the boss went home). White-collar jobs are more typically office jobs, so they usually end at five pm. Blue-collar, service-oriented jobs can be done whenever necessary, so they don't have as much flexibility.

What is the term associated with a skilled worker?

"Blue collar" is one, 'professiona'l or 'trades worker' are a couple of others.

Where did the term white-collar worker come from?

It described the clothes middle class workers wore.

Who was the first college to define white collar crime white collar?

The term "white-collar crime" was coined by sociologist Edwin Sutherland at a speech to the American Sociological Association in 1939. He defined it as non-violent crimes committed by individuals or corporations in positions of trust or authority for financial gain.

What term refers to crimes committed by people of repectable and high social status in the course of their occupations?

I think you are referring to "white collar crime" but it has nothing whatsoever to do with their social status. A low-level clerk or accountant in a business can commit white collar crime just as easy as the CEO.

What term refer to crimes committed by individuals in the course of their daily business activities?

White collar crimes

The average salary of a business man?

Business man is a very broad term. It really depends on what kind of business you are doing. It is safe to say that white collar workers (business men) make more money that blue collar workers (laborers). Try asking your question again and be more specific.