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Lil Kim was born on 11 July, 1974. She is a model, rapper, author and record producer. Her current net worth is estimated at about 18 million dollars.

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Who got more money Nicki minaj or lil kim?

lil kim hands down Lil Kim's net worth is around $18 Million USD and Nicki Minaj's net worth is around $8.5 Million USD

How much money does lil kim hAVE?

Lil Kim has a net worth of about $18 million dollars. She is an American rapper who was most popular in the early 2000's.

How looks better lil kim or lil mo?

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How many children does Lil Kim have?

Lil' Kim has 1 child

Does Lil' Kim have kids?

Yes, Lil Kim has 1 kids

What is Lil' Kim's net worth?

127- 130 million dollars. Besides being a rapper Lil' Kim has a record label, she owns hair salons and owns real estate.

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lil kim is lil mama's step aunt

Is Lil' Kim gay?

No Lil Kim isn't gay

When was Lil' Kim born?

Lil' Kim was born on July 11, 1975.

What is Lil' Kim's birthday?

Lil' Kim was born on July 11, 1975.

What is Lil' Kim's birthday?

Lil' Kim was born on July 11, 1975.

Shine lil kim brotherthe rapper in jail?

that is not lil kim brother..but he is in jail