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It is perception difficulty where we give more importance to the positive traits of a person and give less importance to negative traits . It's more like rating people positively more then usual , example : a pal of yours whom others dislike a you are really impressed of .

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Q: What is leniency effect?
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How do you request leniency from a judge?

Requesting leniency from a judge can be accomplished in person or by personal letter. In both cases, the request should be formal and sincere.

How do you use leniency in a sentence?

well if yall dont know i do ex: i hope my parents use leniency when consider my punishment for staying out pass curfew

What was Lincoln's policy of leniency?

tp protect the slaves

What is leniency towards an enemy called?

Mercy or Clemency.

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What is another name for the lesseing of the punishment for a wrongdoing?

Clemency or leniency.

How did Lincoln's death effect the re-building of the Union?

Lincolns assassination made the reconstruction of the union a whole lot slower and made it much tougher for the south. Because the congress wasn't set on leniency as Lincoln was.

What are some examples of suffix cy?

Sufficiency. Democracy. Delicacy. Leniency

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Postwar policy of leniency toward the south?

President Abraham Lincoln advocated for a policy of leniency toward the South because he believed it was vital to quickly heal the country's wounds. The war was fought from 1861 to 1865.

Is lenient a noun?

The noun form is lenience, the subjective noun for relaxation or compassion in applying discipline or punishment.

What are some examples of leniency?

Some examples of leniency include giving someone a second chance after making a mistake, being understanding and forgiving towards someone's shortcomings or difficulties, and showing flexibility in rules or expectations when appropriate.