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Q: What is lay speaker duties?
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What are the 2 duties of the speaker of house?

The speaker of the house has many duties. What are believed to be the most important, or presiding duties are first of all the duty of keeping the house in order when in session, and performing administrative and procedural functions.

What is a lay monk?

one who has the duties of a monk but not ordained as one

Who takes over if the vice president can not carry out duties as the president?

The Speaker of the House

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Who has the power to lay and collect taxes duties imports and excise?


Who will cover the duties of President if both the President and Vice President died?

im not pretty sure.....but i think its the speaker of the house....

What are the three main duties of the speaker of the house?

The Speaker is expected to preside in a fair and judicious manner, he is also expected to aid the fortunes of his party and its legislative goals.

Who succeeds the Vice-President if he cannot carry out the duties of President if he were so appointed?

Speaker of the House

Who becomes the chief executive if both the president and the vice president are unable to duties?

Isn't it the Speaker of the House.

Who does article1 section8.8 protect?

That congress has power to lay andcollect takes, duties, imposts, and excises

What is the duties of pro-tem speaker?

The speaker of the house is the leader of the majority party in the House. His job is to keep the party together, settle disputes among party members and set up a legislative program . He decides what legislation comes to a vote and has a strong influence on all action of the house. He meets with US President from time to time to discuss legislation. He is third in line for the US presidency.

Is the President of the Senate next in line after the US Vice-President to assume the duties of US President?

It is Speaker of the house I believe.