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In Oklahoma, it is illegal to consume or inhaled intoxicating substances in public. It is also illegal to appear in public in Oklahoma in an inebriated condition. these strict laws have reduced alcohol related traffic fatalities.

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13y ago

Oklahoma State Statues Title 37 Chapter 8 Section 1

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11y ago

i was hald for 16 hours to sleep. then they let me go i did not get a ticket, but you never know they could mail one the sons of B*$^

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12y ago

neaborgers call police and the charged me with public intoxicatiom .but did not give me a test

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Q: What is law concerning public intoxication in Alabama?
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What are two ways that a person who abuses drugs can get in trouble with the law?

If they abuse illegal drugs they can get punished by the law for possession and if they are found in public, for public intoxication.

What is a minorviolation of the law?

There are many small violations of the law. Some minor violations are speeding tickets, public intoxication, and jay walking.

Does Iowa have public intoxication law?

Yes, Iowa has a law against public intoxication. It is considered a misdemeanor offense and is defined as being intoxicated in a public place to the point where the person is a danger to themselves or others. Penalties for public intoxication in Iowa can include fines, probation, community service, or even jail time.

What is the elements of public intoxication?

The word "alleged" means it has not been proven in a court of law - it's a fancy way for a lawyer to say "he wasn't really drunk because you have not proved it" even though the person has been caught drunk."Public intoxication" means being drunk or stoned or high and wandering around in public bothering people or being so "out of it" that they are likely to hurt themselves or someone else - then, you get arrested for public intoxication.

What is the law concerning Alabama workmens comp exemption?

According to my research, Alabama's worker's comp is compulsory, and waivers are not permitted for businesses that must provide it by law. Employers with fewer than 5 employees are exempt.

Is public intoxication a crime?

Yes. It is usually cited as "Being Intoxicated In The Public Way" just like you wrote, or can be a part of other offenses. All state, and even all cities, have a public intoxication law; some are different than others; but always being drunk in public is an offense.

Is Alabama a law school?

The University of Alabama has a law school.

Which was the first state to pass the law of legal intoxication?


Alabama law on returning a new car?

The only law that applies to returning a new car is the state Lemon Law. There is no buyer's remorse law concerning the purchase of an automobile. Once you drive it off the lot, you own it, and cannot return it except under the Lemon Law.

How can you pay public intoxication fine?

These are usually municipal ordnance violations. In most places the fine can be paid at the local law enforcement agency - city clerks office or the court clerks office.

Does Texas have an intoxication defense law?

Voluntary intoxication does not negate intent in a criminal matter in Texas.