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Depending on the kind of mold and how it is being caused, the landlord generally has huge if not complete responsibility for mold because mold can contribute to serious, serious health problems--particularly in the elderly and in children. This is not true.There are absolutely,no laws in the state of AR that regulate mold or it's growth.Ar and CO are the only states that do not require that a landlord fix and maintain their rental properties and in the state of AR,you can be evicted for anything. Tenants that are submit mold claims,are generally bill beaters that are behind on their rent and are looking for a way to avoid being evicted. They will have to find another state to live in.

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Q: What is landlord's responsibility for mold problem in Arkansas?
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You will need a professional to handle a black mold problem. You can get the help you need at .

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No, unfortunately pre existing problems such as mold would not be covered.

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