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It depends on how many illegal u were caught with. Also if you were in a organized crime.

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Q: What is jail time for first time illegal alien smuggling charge?
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If a space alien entered the country would they be an illegal alien?

Yes, because they would not be a natural-born citizen of the United States, or whatever country they landed in. If they apply for citizenship first, and enter the country legally, then no. They would not be considered an illegal alien.

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First of all If they are legal they can't be illegal. Second, you can marry anyone you choose to.

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Seeing a lawyer would be advisable

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yes she can because the child would run away yeah first answer

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The cast of Extreme Smuggling - 2013 includes: Kevin Deon as First Mate Gabriel Koura as Smuggler

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It is illegal in over 30 states in the United States to marry a first cousin. It is doubtful that a green card would be accepted if a person is married to their first cousin.

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When the first alien abduction?

The first popular reported case of alien abduction was that of Barney and Betty Hill.

Who do you contact if you married an illegal alien but were used for a green card and you brought his daughter to the US and you have not seen them since but she has signed your name on documents?

First of all, how did an illegal obtain a green card? Second, if you have not seen him or his daughter and she has forged your name on documents, contact the police and the INS. They will have his Alien Registration #,and should have his current address. If you have his Social Security #, then give that to the police also. Good Luck

What criminal organization first controlled the smuggling of cocaine into the US?

East coast mafia