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well, i think its called a ship raid. im no expert though.

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Q: What is it called when pirates take over a ship?
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Stolen things by pirates... u had pirates take crew gold food & sometimes ur ship..

When sailors overthrow their captin and take over the ship?

This is called mutiny and the sailors are mutineers.

What is it called when sailors overthrow their captain and take over the ship?

It is a mutiny.

Can you make a sentence with the word scuttle?

Pirates would scuttle any ship that they could not take with them.

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The most direct, avoiding inclement weather and pirates.

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they took over britan and england and italy

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They would go aboard a ship and take every ones valuables and money, they might kill people and they might take some people from the ship they are taking from into theirs.

What do you call it When sailors overtthrow their captain and take over a ship?

It is called a mutiny. On a military vessel it is treason and punishable by death.

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after you've fixed your ship, go to where there is a little circle. destroy it and get the battery. take it to the ship. there are small bugs called battery bugs. if they steal the battery you start over.

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When sailors overthrow their captain and take over the ship.?


Why did pirates take so few of their own things on board the ships?

Because otherwise they would have the risk of their own belongings to be stolen, broken or sunken with a ship.