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He has to find another choice for the position.

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Bridgette Sipes

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Blaise Durgan

Lvl 10
2y ago

He has to find another choice for the position.

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King Boyer

Lvl 13
2y ago

He has to find another choice for the position.

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7y ago

He has to find another choice for the position.

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6y ago

checks and balance i think

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Q: What is it called when congress does not approve the presidents choice for a federal court?
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What year did Congress pass the federal holiday of Presidents' Day?

Congress never did. They tried back in 1968, but it was never passed. The holiday most people call Presidents' Day is actually Washington's Birthday.

Who must approve all presidential appointments and treaties?

Most presidential appointments, including federal judges, cabinet members and ambassadors, require a simple majority vote of the Senate. Mid-term appointments of vice presidents require a simple majority vote of both Houses of Congress, and treaties require a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate.

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Washington's Birthday. There is no federal holiday called Presidents Day regardless of spelling.

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The legislative branch of the federal government is called the Congress.

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Overriding a veto

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Do presidents day represent all presidents?

Yes it doesIt depends on the laws of your state. There is no federal holiday called Presidents' Day. Some states have a state holiday called Presidents' Day and depending on the state it may honor Washington and Lincoln or it may honor all former presidents.

How are federal amendments made?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

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This action is called an over-ride or over-riding of a veto.

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Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress make up the so-called?

Interest groups the federal bureaucracy and Congress form the iron triangle.