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Q: What is it called whe you sign someone elses name?
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Can you sign someone name and initial means it is legal?

you cant sign someone elses name.

Is it legal to sign someone elses name on an attendance sheet at a public meeting?

Not if it was done in an effort to defraud.

Is it better to not sign your answers?

Yes, it will say who answered it anyway - plus someone who copies and pastes it into a word document will not want someone elses name on it.

Can you sign someone elses name on a car title and get away with it?

No that's against the law and is called identy theft and fraud both punishable by 5 years in prison and a 5000 dollar fine

Can a dealership but a car under someone elses name if they are not present?

Can a dealership have the person they’re buying a car sign for the person who’s cosigning the car

Can you get your name off of a note as a cosigner?

ONLY by paying the loan off or refinancing with someone elses good credit. NEVER CO-SIGN UNLESS YOU CAN AFFORD TO GIVE THE MONEY TO THE DEBTOR.

Can you sell an ATV you paid for but is in your name and someone elses?

The other person must sign over the title to you, to make it easiest. You cannot sell any titled vehicle that is not solely in your name; you must get the other party to sign off first. Check with motor vehicles.

How do you go to your farm on Farmville on someone elses computer?

Go to and sign in as you. Then you will be able to go to your farmville game. That's it!

When you pp a signature do you sign your name or the person who you are signing for?

You sign your name as you can't be "on behalf of" if you sign someone elses name! But the 'pp' precedes the person you are signing for. For example: Yours sincerely Your signature pp Name of person signed for Yes, you sing your name. But the pp precedes your signature, not the name of the person you are signing on behalf of. Although not everyone agrees! See kirubakaran

What is the procedure to sign someone's name with permission?

To sign someone's name with permission, you will sign your name first, add the per procurationem or p.p. designation after your name, and then sign the missing person's name. This is the preferred method of signing.

How do you logout someone elses Gmail?

You can log out gmail from top right icon. It generally contains your profile picture. Click on that and you could see sign out.

Is using someones email address to sign into a site illegal?

no it is not illegal but is good to check first