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Without knowing the specifics of the case.....Importuning most often is related to an adult asking something sexual in nature from a child. That is what we hear about most often in the evening news. However it could be a male who continually makes sexual advances to a woman, even after she told him no. A person trying to solicite sex from a prostitute could be charged with importuning. I say male to female because most often it is a male going after a female, although the reverse does happen also.

In Ohio a person found guilty of importuning is classified as a level I sex offender and has to register their home address with the county sheriff for 15 years (I think). Hope that helps!

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Q: What is importuning in a criminal case?
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(in the US) Importuning is NOT a crime of moral turpitude.

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What does importuning mean?

I understand it is the kind of thing that George Michael gets caught for occasionally, doing to men in toilets. Also what a prostitute tries to do as a man walks past. That was the old answer that was disturbing. The real answer is "asked repeatedly".

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