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11.7 per 100000.

According to the UNODC, which stands for (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) and PAHO who also operate in Haiti both say the murder rate in 2003 stands at 21.3 homicides per 100 000 residents. The info is an estimate, since the government is extremely corrupt and the police force is underfunded they do not keep track of murders. Most of the crimes are not reported to police or UN peacekeepers. Even if the government and former president Aristide were given data for the majority of homicides, they would undercount it. In the movie Ghosts of Cite Soleil it talks about Aristide sending out armed gangs to take control and cause riots in the slums. It also talked about how he rigged the election and killed a local french activist when she refused to shake hands with the leader of the Chimeres gang in front of live T.V. The chimeres are the gangs that run the bleak streets in Haiti. Aristide asked her again and she still refused. She said he had to make them drop their weapons first. A day later she was found raped and killed. Also according to the UNODC and the PAHO the murder rate stands at 21.8 murders per 100 000 in the year 2004. These are the only two years of data available since 2000-2010.

The UN also named the slum of Cite Soleil in Port-au-Prince, which was the slum in which was documented in the film Ghost Of Cite Soleil. They named the Cite Soleil slum of epproximately 300 000 residents at it's height. probably stands at 200 000 residents now, THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE ON EARTH!!

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