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The gang process chart is used to determine how many workers are need per machine to accomplish a particular project. It can also be used to plot the interaction between the workers and machines.

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Q: What is gang process chart?
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1)Basic flow chart-shows the main steps in a process for a good overview 2)process flow chart-gives details of a process by listing the main steps and sub-steps 3)developement flow chart- is similar to process flow chart but identifies persons or department involved in a process. 4)oppertunity flow chart- highlights decision making steps and inspection points.

The different between operation process chart flow process chart and form to chart?

The Operation process chart shows the relationship among operation process, before and after operation process (preceeding process and leading process) of the parts or components, the inspection and the delay time temporarily and the storage of the final product. It is also, if any link with assembly process between parts or components related. The operation process chart also show us the processing time needed.The Assembly chart principally a reverse of the operation process chart. It show us the relationship among parts/components needed (in units), small additional components, and also time needed to assemble these. At the end part of the assembly chart, we will see the assemled product.From to chart tells us the direction flow of the material or parts which will be proceed or which will be move from one place to another place. The places showed are meaningfully process, or critically time needed.

Types of flow chart?

Flow chart: - A flow chart is a symbolic representation of any process. Each step in the process is represented by a different symbol with a short description of the process. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction.There ate two types of flow charts1. Low level flow chart2. High level flow chart

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What does a wizard chart do?

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What does a chart wizard features do?

lead one through a step by step process to create a chart