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Q: What is freedom of representation?
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How many different types of freedom are there?

freedom of speech freedom of press freedom of religion freedom of assembly freedom of representation

What convinced people to join the American revolution?

Representation in government, and freedom from Great Britain.

What were the colonist fighting for in their battle to become independent from the british?

It was taxation without representation through parliament it was about taxation without representation through parliament

What garunteed citizens freedom of speech jury trial representation in government etc?

The first amendment.

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pillars of democracy in tanzania

Is there a fifth pillar of democracy?

No, there are generally considered to be 4 pillars of democracy: justice, equality, freedom and representation

One of the basic liberties sought by the colonists through independence from Great Britain was?

freedom from taxation without representation.

What right did colonists say acts violate?

The colonists claimed that the stamp, sugar, tea, and townshend acts violated the right to only be taxed with representation. The colonists had no representatives in the Mother country; this is where the popular phrase "no taxation without representation" came from.

What is one reason the patriot colonists wanted freedom from Britain?

One reason that the Patriot colonists wanted freedom from Britain was so that they could have religious freedom. They want to worship in their own way.

How did the british middle and working classes responding to the political freedom they saw in the US?

they demanded representation in Parliament. for Nova Net

How did the british middle and working classed respond to the political freedom they saw in the US?

they demanded representation in Parliament. for Nova Net

In 1776 what were some important ideas in the new state Constitutions?

Vote in free and freedom of the press representation without press tax