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Copyright, is an evolving series of intellectual property laws, designed to protect original works of authorship.

They including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.

Copyright will not protect names, titles, common words/phrases facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation

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Q: What is copyright from legal standpoint?
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What is legal about copyright infringement?

Nothing about it is "legal." Copyright infringement is illegal.

What is copyright from moral and legal standpoints?

From a legal standpoint, it's a group of laws designed to protect the rights (and incomes) of creators. From a moral standpoint, it's essentially the same: protecting the rights of creators. Because copyright violations are so easy and so frequent, law enforcement has no chance of monitoring and prosecuting every violator; thus, it functions more on the "honor system," relying heavily on individuals' ethical and moral codes to ensure the rights of creators are respected.

What is the best doage for LSD?

From a legal standpoint, "zero".

What is legal standpoint?

Legal standpoint refers to a particular interpretation or perspective on a legal issue or situation based on laws, regulations, and precedents. It represents the position taken by individuals or entities in legal matters to support their respective arguments or claims within the framework of the law.

Is it legal to download PC games that is past its copyright?

Yes it is legal to download PC games past copyright because copyright is to prevent people from copying.

Is it dangerous to have sexual intercourse with a drunk chick?

Yes. Not from a physical standpoint, but it could be very dangerous from a legal standpoint. It could be construed as rape.

What is conclusion of copyright and privacy from moral and legal standpoint?

Copyright laws are aimed to ensure that the work which is done by someone else has exclusive rights to that person to make money and that he should be paid by anyone who wants to make commercial gain from that work. Privacy laws only give a person discreet enjoyment of his life even when he has some art works.

Is copyright legal in the music industry?

The music industry relies on copyright protection to sustain itself.

Is the legal language of a contest protected by copyright?

Arguably, legal boilerplate could be said not to have the element of creativity required for copyright protection. If you have specific concerns on this, it might be worth your time to contact an experienced copyright lawyer.

Is it true that copyright is the legal protection for intellectual property?

Copyright is one of several types of IP protection.

What does the term 'legal standpoint' mean?

(the definition of "standpoint")An attitude to or outlook on issues, typically arising from one's circumstances or beliefs.So regarding this term, it is the view of a situation or object as seen from the eyes of the legal system. (ie: the court system, police, etc)

What is copyright from moral standpoints?

From a moral standpoint, it's simply showing respect to the creator of a work, and acknowledging the value of his or her hard work and intellectual property.