

Best Answer

An attestor is simply a witness, someone who 'attests' to the truth of some matter.

For instance, a notary public attests to the identity of a person signing a legal document by signing and affixing their seal to the document. Therefore, the notary is an attestor to the identity of whomever signed the document. This negates the need of all parties affected by the document to be present during the signing. The notary is not attesting to the truth or accuracy of the document itself, but only that the person signing the document provided sufficient evidence of their identity to them.

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What is an attestor?

An attestor is a person who attests, who affirms something to be true or genuine.

What is Quod Veritatem Attestor?

(And Truthfulness Attestor) Attest to the truth, True and accurate representation of the facts; To certify by a signature that the signer has been present at particular writing/signings (A Notary)

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern -T-E-T--. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter T and 4th letter E and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: attentat attested attester attestor streeted strettas strettos

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern AT-E-T--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter A and 2nd letter T and 4th letter E and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: attentat attested attester attestor

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern -TTE-T--. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter T and 3rd letter T and 4th letter E and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: attentat attested attester attestor

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -T-ES--R. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter T and 4th letter E and 5th letter S and 8th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: attester attestor stressor

What are some eight letter words with 1st letter A and 4th letter E and 5th letter S and 6th letter T and 7th letter O?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern A--ESTO-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter A and 4th letter E and 5th letter S and 6th letter T and 7th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: ancestor arrestor asbestos attestor

What does self attest a photo mean?

Self attestation means the signature of candidate itself.Example: if he asked u to self attest the photo, then u must sign on the photo and submit it.Added: Attest is a legal term that refers to the act of a person swearing to or affirming the truth of something.A "self-attest" would mean that the person is attesting (swearing) to the truthfulness of whatever they were presenting or signing.In the case of a photo, a self-attestation would mean that the attestor is either swearing that they took the picture, or that the picture is of themselves.

What are some eight letter words with 4th letter E and 5th letter S and 6th letter T and 8th letter R?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 26 words with the pattern ---EST-R. That is, eight letter words with 4th letter E and 5th letter S and 6th letter T and 8th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: ancestor arrester arrestor attester attestor bepester bimester detester digester digestor dopester forester gamester honester hypester infester investor jokester lodestar mimester modester molester polestar quaestor rimester semester

How do you write an answer to an affidavit for child support?

An affidavit is a statement made under oath that the content is true and factual to the best of the knowledge of the person who is giving the information. Such a statement must be made according to the requirements of the law of the state in which the attestor resides. Custodial issues are generally addressed by the court at the hearing and affidavits/ witness statements are only allowed in unusual circumstances (the testifying person is disabled and cannot appear and so forth). A parenting plan is a different matter, it is a court document that is, in some US states a requirement and is always presumed to be taken under oath with the penalty of perjury applicable.

What is a Six letter word second letter is a t?

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ethogram, ethology, ethoxies, ethoxyls, ethylate, ethylene, ethynyls, etiolate, etiology, itchiest, itchings, itemized, itemizer, itemizes, iterance, iterated, iterates, otalgias, otalgies, otiosely, otiosity, otitides, otitises, otocysts, otoliths, otoscope, otoscopy, ototoxic, ottomans, pteropod, pterygia, pterylae, ptomaine, ptomains, ptyalins, ptyalism, stabbers, stabbing, stabiles, stablers, stablest, stabling, stablish, staccati, staccato, stackers, stacking, stackups, staddles, stadiums, staffers, staffing, stageful, staggard, staggart, staggers, staggery, staggier, staggies, stagging, stagiest, stagings, stagnant, stagnate, staidest, stainers, staining, stairway, staithes, stakeout, stalkers, stalkier, stalkily, stalking, stalling, stallion, stalwart, stamened, staminal, staminas, stammels, stammers, stampede, stampers, stamping, stanched, stancher, stanches, stanchly, standard, standbys, standees, standers, standing, standish, standoff, standout, standpat, standups, stanging, 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stuffing, stuivers, stultify, stumbled, stumbler, stumbles, stumming, stumpage, stumpers, stumpier, stumping, stunners, stunning, stunsail, stunting, stuntman, stuntmen, stupider, stupidly, sturdied, sturdier, sturdies, sturdily, sturgeon, stutters, stylings, stylised, styliser, stylises, stylists, stylites, stylitic, stylized, stylizer, stylizes, styluses, stymying, styptics, styraxes, styrenes, utensils, uteruses, utilidor, utilised, utiliser, utilises, utilized, utilizer, utilizes, utopians, utopisms, utopists, utricles, utriculi, utterers, uttering, ytterbia, ytterbic, yttriums 658 words found.

I need a scrabble word that ends in or can you help me?

2-letter wordsor3-letter wordscor, dor, for, gor, kor, mor, nor, tor4-letter wordsboor, door, moor, odor, poor5-letter wordsabhor, actor, algor, arbor, ardor, armor, bevor, color, cruor, decor, dolor, donor, ephor, error, favor, fetor, floor, fluor, furor, gator, honor, humor, ichor, juror, labor, major, manor, mayor, minor, motor, mucor, payor, prior, razor, rigor, rotor, rumor, sapor, savor, senor, sopor, spoor, sudor, tabor, tenor, tumor, tutor, valor, vapor, vigor, visor, vizor6-letter wordsabator, anchor, author, bailor, bettor, candor, cantor, captor, castor, censor, chador, clamor, condor, cursor, debtor, doctor, editor, enamor, factor, fervor, flavor, flexor, foetor, glamor, harbor, havior, hector, indoor, jailor, junior, kronor, lector, lessor, lictor, liquor, mahzor, mentor, meteor, mirror, nestor, pallor, parlor, pastor, pavior, pawnor, plexor, pretor, rancor, raptor, rector, rhetor, sailor, salvor, sartor, savior, sector, seisor, seizor, senhor, senior, sensor, signor, spinor, stator, stupor, succor, suitor, tailor, tensor, termor, terror, tremor, turgor, tussor, unmoor, vector, vendor, viator, victor, weldor7-letter wordsabettor, adaptor, adjuror, advisor, aerator, alastor, alienor, assuror, auditor, aviator, belabor, bicolor, camphor, chantor, citator, clangor, coactor, creator, curator, decolor, delator, devisor, dilator, dilutor, divisor, donator, eductor, ejector, elector, emperor, enactor, equator, erector, evertor, evictor, exactor, excitor, feoffor, functor, genitor, grantor, gyrator, heritor, humidor, ignitor, incisor, isochor, janitor, languor, legator, levator, locator, machzor, malodor, markhor, matador, mirador, monitor, negator, nonpoor, obligor, offeror, outdoor, pandoor, parador, picador, pledgor, plessor, praetor, pressor, proctor, questor, quittor, reactor, recolor, relator, revisor, rotator, scissor, senator, settlor, signior, sponsor, squalor, stentor, stertor, stridor, tandoor, temblor, tractor, traitor, trustor, vavasor, visitor, warrior8-letter wordsabductor, accentor, acceptor, actuator, adductor, adjustor, adulator, agitator, ancestor, animator, anterior, appellor, arrestor, aspersor, assentor, assertor, assessor, assignor, assistor, attestor, avigator, bachelor, backdoor, barrator, barretor, beclamor, behavior, beliquor, bisector, canephor, caveator, chelator, coauthor, codebtor, coeditor, coenamor, cofactor, colessor, collator, conjuror, convenor, conveyor, copastor, creditor, cremator, cuspidor, defector, deflator, demeanor, depictor, detector, deviator, dictator, diffusor, digestor, director, discolor, disfavor, dishonor, educator, effector, elevator, elicitor, emanator, emulator, endeavor, evocator, executor, expandor, expiator, extensor, exterior, fellator, governor, hydrator, idolator, imitator, impactor, impellor, impostor, inceptor, indentor, indictor, inductor, infector, inferior, inflator, injector, interior, inventor, invertor, investor, iodophor, isolator, komondor, labrador, laudator, licensor, mandator, markhoor, mediator, metaphor, migrator, miscolor, mislabor, mistutor, narrator, neighbor, nextdoor, nitrator, nonactor, noncolor, nonjuror, nonmajor, objector, obsessor, obviator, operator, outhumor, outsavor, palpator, parachor, patentor, phosphor, piscator, pledgeor, predator, previsor, prolabor, promisor, pronator, pulmotor, pulsator, purveyor, quaestor, radiator, receptor, redactor, reductor, rejector, remittor, resistor, retailor, sculptor, seafloor, secretor, seignior, selector, servitor, splendor, stressor, subfloor, superior, surveyor, survivor, testator, therefor, thrustor, titrator, traditor, trapdoor, tricolor, trimotor, ulterior, unanchor, unicolor, utilidor, valuator, varactor, varistor, vavassor, verderor, vibrator, violator, vitiator9-letter wordsabdicator, abnegator, activator, advocator, aggressor, alienator, alligator, allocator, annotator, antilabor, antitumor, apparitor, aspirator, attractor, augmentor, biosensor, capacitor, castrator, coadjutor, cocreator, cocurator, collector, combustor, compactor, comprador, condemnor, conductor, confessor, confiteor, connector, conqueror, consignor, consultor, contemnor, convector, convertor, cosponsor, councilor, counselor, deaerator, dedicator, deflector, delegator, depositor, depressor, desolator, detonator, detractor, dissector, disseisor, dominator, dynamotor, embraceor, escalator, estimator, evaluator, excavator, excelsior, excerptor, execrator, exhibitor, expeditor, expositor, extractor, fermentor, fumigator, generator, gladiator, glossator, graduator, guarantor, ideomotor, immolator, imperator, incubator, indagator, indicator, inflictor, inhalator, inheritor, inhibitor, initiator, innovator, inspector, insulator, inundator, irrigator, laminator, liberator, literator, litigator, locomotor, macerator, meditator, misfeasor, mitigator, moderator, modulator, monsignor, motivator, mutilator, navigator, nominator, nonauthor, nondoctor, nonfactor, nonvector, nucleator, numerator, obturator, oppressor, overfavor, overlabor, palliator, peculator, possessor, posterior, precensor, precentor, preceptor, precursor, predictor, preemptor, processor, professor, projector, propellor, propretor, prosector, protector, protestor, reflector, refractor, regressor, regulator, renovator, repressor, requestor, resonator, retractor, revelator, ruminator, salivator, saturator, separator, simulator, solicitor, spectator, spoliator, subeditor, subsector, successor, supinator, suspensor, tabulator, thyristor, tolerator, trisector, vasomotor, venerator, warrantor10-letter wordsabominator, abstractor, acquisitor, alleviator, alternator, ambassador, antecessor, applicator, arbitrator, attenuator, baroceptor, benefactor, blackamoor, brachiator, buccinator, calculator, calibrator, captivator, carburetor, castigator, celebrator, chancellor, circulator, codirector, coexecutor, coinventor, coinvestor, collimator, commutator, comparator, competitor, compositor, compressor, contractor, cooperator, councillor, counsellor, covenantor, cultivator, defalcator, defoliator, dehydrator, delineator, denigrator, depredator, descriptor, desecrator, desiccator, designator, devastator, distrainor, duplicator, ejaculator, eliminator, elucidator, elutriator, enumerator, enunciator, eradicator, explicator, expurgator, extenuator, extirpator, fabricator, fascinator, franchisor, granulator, heptachlor, hibernator, improvisor, inculcator, inoculator, inquisitor, insinuator, inspirator, instigator, institutor, instructor, integrator, intervenor, irradiator, lacrimator, legislator, liquidator, lubricator, machinator, malefactor, masticator, methylator, multicolor, negotiator, neurohumor, nonreactor, obstructor, oculomotor, oscillator, ovipositor, oxygenator, percolator, persecutor, personator, pollinator, polyhistor, postulator, preparator, procreator, procurator, progenitor, prolocutor, propagator, propraetor, proprietor, prosecutor, prospector, protractor, punctuator, repudiator, respirator, rubricator, rusticator, servomotor, speculator, stimulator, stipulator, subjugator, supervisor, suppressor, syncopator, syndicator, terminator, thermistor, transactor, transferor, transistor, translator, triturator, vaccinator, vacillator, variegator, ventilator, vindicator, vivisector, watercolorBONUS WORDS:11-letter wordsabbreviator, accelerator, accumulator, adjudicator, adulterator, amalgamator, annihilator, annunciator, anticipator, appreciator, articulator, assimilator, boardsailor, calumniator, carburettor, cogenerator, commentator, compensator, compurgator, conciliator, confiscator, congregator, consecrator, conservator, conspirator, constrictor, constructor, consummator, continuator, contributor, coprocessor, deactivator, decapitator, decelerator, demodulator, denominator, depreciator, desalinator, dissertator, distributor, eigenvector, emancipator, emasculator, equivocator, exaggerator, facilitator, felicitator, flocculator, heldentenor, hydrometeor, illuminator, illustrator, implementor, impregnator, inaugurator, incinerator, infiltrator, inseminator, inspissator, insufflator, interceptor, intercessor, interdictor, interjector, interruptor, intimidator, invalidator, invigilator, lachrymator, legitimator, manipulator, masturbator, misbehavior, misdemeanor, multiauthor, multifactor, multiplexor, nomenclator, nonsecretor, obliterator, pacificator, perpetrator, perpetuator, potentiator, predecessor, promulgator, propitiator, prostitutor, psychomotor, purificator, regenerator, rejuvenator, remunerator, repossessor, sternutator, subdirector, totalisator, totalizator, vasodilator, vasopressor, vaticinator, vituperator, vociferator12-letter wordsaccommodator, antipredator, appropriator, assassinator, chiropractor, communicator, concentrator, confabulator, conquistador, consolidator, contaminator, contemplator, contradictor, coproprietor, countertenor, demonstrator, determinator, dispossessor, disseminator, dissimulator, equilibrator, expropriator, exterminator, exteroceptor, extrapolator, fractionator, gesticulator, hallucinator, hyperreactor, hypothecator, impersonator, improvisator, interlocutor, interoceptor, interpolator, interrogator, investigator, lithotriptor, methoxychlor, noncollector, nonconductor, participator, perambulator, pontificator, precipitator, premeditator, preprocessor, prevaricator, primogenitor, ratiocinator, reciprocator, refrigerator, remonstrator, resuscitator, scintillator, transgressor13-letter wordsadministrator, authenticator, coconspirator, conglomerator, congratulator, counterterror, deconstructor, defibrillator, discriminator, disintegrator, indoctrinator, interbehavior, interpellator, monochromator, noncompetitor, noncooperator, photodetector, predestinator, proprioceptor, reconstructor, rehabilitator, semiconductor, subcontractor, tergiversator, transmigrator14-letter wordsbronchodilator, coinvestigator, decontaminator, excommunicator, microprocessor, microprojector, multiconductor, multiprocessor, procrastinator, prognosticator, superconductor, turbogenerator15-letter wordscircumnavigator, immunomodulator, prestidigitator, vasoconstrictor16-letter wordsmicromanipulator, transilluminator18-letter wordssuperadministrator19-letter wordscounterdemonstrator924 words found.