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I walk over and smash out some ones windshield, my I intention was to smash out the windshield . thus intentional act. it wasnt an accident, it was intentional.

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Q: What is an example of an intentional act?
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One example of intentional injuries is hitting someone on purpose.

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An example of an intentional tort is assault, where someone intentionally threatens or causes harm to another person. This differs from negligence, which is the unintentional failure to exercise reasonable care, in that intentional torts involve deliberate actions to cause harm.

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Intentional torts are actions done with the intent to cause harm or injury, while negligence torts occur when someone fails to act with reasonable care, resulting in harm or injury to another person. Intentional torts require proof of intent, while negligence torts require proof of a breach of duty of care.

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Domestic abuse ( plato users ) answer is B

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What would happen when someone sneezes on a security guard?

This depends entirely on whether the sneezing was accident, or intentional. If the act was intentional the person may be charged with aggravated battery, and it may result in jail time. If the act was sincerely accidental a simple apology may suffice.