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Here is a sample letter informing a tenant to vacate the premises.


This is a 30 day notice to vacate the premises located at 555 Made Up Lane, Washington DC, 00000. The reason we're demanding you to vacate the premises is that the lease is expired and we do not wish to renew the leasehold. Please vacate the unit before 1/1/1900.

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This must be done in writing and may not happen if the lease is still in effect (unless the tenant has violated the terms of the lease and this is why the landlord is giving such notice).

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Q: What is an example of a landlord telling a tenant to leave in 30 days?
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Can a landlord give a tenant 14 days to move when they have a signed lease?

Normally the landlord must give at least a 30-day notice before the expiration of the lease that he will not renew it, so the tenant must leave. There is one exception: if the tenant is in violation of the terms of the lease, the landlord may terminate the lease and give such short notice for the tenant to leave.

What if the tenant does not leave date stated on notice to quit?

The tenant would have to leave after an eviction, which is why a sheriff officer observes the whole process of the tenant removing their possessions out of the property and the landlord changing the locks to the property. If they do not remove their possessions, they generally become your property (under normal conditions).

When a tenant makes a permanent improvement to a rented residential property should the tenant leave it when moving?

Yes. Since the tenant affixed the improvement to the property, it becomes a fixture, which belongs to the landlord. An exception to this is if there was an agreement between the landlord and tenant, or if the landlord gives permission for the improvement to be removed. Standard picture hooks, and other like objects, do not constitute fixtures, and may be removed if they belong to the tenant.

In Texas can a landlord decide to move back in their rental house?

As long as the notice is sufficient, and there is no unexpired lease, the landlord can ask a tenant to leave for no reason at all.

How long does a court order last for eviction?

In an eviction process, the landlord has to proceed step-by-step. Normally on a writ of ejectment, the tenant has 24 hours to leave. If the tenant does not leave then the landlord has to call the Sheriff's office or Constable of that location to force the tenant out. The landlord has 24 hours from the time the order is written to do this, or the order will no longer be in effect (SC, FL). Of course these rules vary from state to state.

Can a landlord say a tenant trespassing with nonpayment rent?

No. Unless the landlord lawfully evicts the tenant, he cannot have the tenant arrested for trespassing because of nonpayment of rent. Of course, the exception to this rule is the hotel/motel setting, where this does not become a landlord/tenant relationship, but rather a transient relationship with an innkeeper.

Can a person not on the lease state Texas not pay first month rent and moved in be asked to leave?

I'm no lawyer but... The landlord has a right to know and list all residents on the lease. If the tenant said they would live there alone, they cannot then bring another (non-tenant) to live there without the landlord's agreement. Having people over as a guest is fine and that is "peaceful enjoyment" of your home. Having them spend considerable time there, including overnight, is different. The landlord may claim a violation of the lease and ask the TENANT to leave unless they eject the non-tenant. The landlord can't really go up to the non-tenant and say this because their relationship is with the tenant.

If a tenant put up showers in there place and there having trouble with them now who is responsible to fix it?

The tenant is responsible for what ever they put up in the unit, first they need to ask the landlord if they have permission, it is a much better idea that the landlord should make all the necessary changes, that way the tenant does not have the responsibility nor the costs. If the landlord declines and the tenant goes ahead anyway, the tenant can leave themselves wide open to be sued for damages if anything goes wrong.

How much can you get if your landlord break the lease?

too vague; normally, the lease is void and the tenant may leave. if the LL's behavior is egregious, the tenant can win a damages award in court.

What is the usual tenant responsibility for move out cleaning?

A tenant should leave the property in a state comparable to the time they moved in asside from reasonable wear and tear.

Does a tenant have to leave a property in the same condition they got the property?

Yes, that's the common obligation. Similarly, a landlord has to maintain a property in a habitable state and (roughly) in the condition it was in when the tenant moved in.

What if landlord rents apartment while old tenant still there?

Depending on where you live your landlord may have to give you a certain number of days notice before you are required to leave the premises (unless you are putting yourself or someone else in danger). Until then, you are not the old tenant, but the current tenant and your rented property can not be handed over to another party.