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"Legal misbehavior" means stopping any one to enjoy his fundamental rights which is given in Constitution of India, Which is from article 14 to 35.

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Q: What is an Example of Legal Misbehavior?
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What is misbehavior?

Misbehavior refers to bad behavior, or inappropriate behavior. An example of misbehavior is two boys fighting on the playground at school.

What is a sentence for misbehavior?

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When was Model Misbehavior created?

Model Misbehavior was created on 2005-07-24.

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It depends on the degree of misbehaviour, but by and large the same way any other country would do so. Through their legislation and legal system.

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"The enormity of the misbehavior of of the classroom caused planet-sized headaches to occur in a ripple effect."

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Some words that rhyme with misbehavior are: savor, favor, flavor, behavior.

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Bad behavior or misbehavior can be called misconduct. Similar words are delinquency and mischief.

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blame, fault, misbehavior, offense

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8th and Ocean - 2006 Model Misbehavior 1-2 was released on: USA: 14 March 2006

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Decision House - 2007 Model Misbehavior 1-12 was released on: USA: 26 December 2007

Help you make a sentence using this word misbehavior?

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