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A person who files continuous/multiple lawsuits against an individual, company, organization, etc. without just cause. In other words, someone who abuses the judicial system in an attempt to get revenge so to speak instead of justice.

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Q: What is a victicious litigant?
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How to respond to a victicious litigant SUIT?

You can respond to a vexatious litigant suit by seeking legal advice to understand your options and potentially filing a motion to dismiss the claim based on the fact that it is vexatious. It is important to follow the proper legal procedures and provide any necessary evidence to support your case.

What is a litigant and mitigant?

litigant: one who is engaged in a lawsuit mitigant: one who engages in appeasing the litigant

Are the terms 'litigant' and 'logographer' are synonymous?

No, they are not synonymous.

Is a litigant a person accused of a crime?

No the term litigant applies almost exclusively to civil law or tort cases. The individual accused of a crime is known as the defendant.

Who was the 1856 litigant Scott?

Dred Scott (1795?–1858)

What is the adjective form for litigate?

Litigous IMPROVEMENT. Litigious, litigant .

What does vexatious litigant mean?

it means you dont take no as an option....

What is judicial standing?

The concept of judicial standing, often called just "standing" or "locus standi," refers to the right of a litigant to bring suit. Standing is a prerequisite in order to bring suit in a court of law, and means that the litigant must have been harmed or is in imminent danger of being harmed by actions of the defendant, and that the court can provide redress. If the court determines that the litigant lacks standing -- in other words, that the litigant has not been harmed nor is in any danger of imminent harm by actions of the defendant -- the court will likely dismiss the case.

What is a vexatious litigant?

A vixatious litigant is a person who persistently and without reasonable grounds sues or prosecutes others.The attorney general may apply to the High Court for an order preventing anyone who has instituted vexatious legal proceedings.

People engaged in lawsuits are called?

litigant that is the term

What is a pro se litigant?

Pro se is Latin and means "for self". A person who represents himself in court alone without the help of a lawyer is said to appear pro se.A pro se litigant is a person involved in a lawsuit without the representation of an attorney.

What is the meaning of con'test?

One who contests; an opponent; a litigant; a disputant; one who claims that which has been awarded to another.