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The policy of asserting the interest of one's own state/region/province, as separate from the interest of the nation and the common interest of all other states/regions/provinces

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Q: What is a sub-national group?
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What does the word subnational entities mean?

A subnational entity is an organization that operates inside of a nation but does not include the entire nation; a faction.

Does the United States support terrorism?

According to U.S. law, no.U.S. Code Title 22, Ch.38, Para. 2656f(d) says that terrorism:"means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents"See? The United States is not a subnational group, it is a national group.Destroying civilian buildings and killing civilians are only cowardly acts of terrorism if those committing it are subnational. If the group is national, than such acts are only infrastructure reduction and collateral damage.

What are the laws on spanking?

It varies by nation and, often, by subnational division.

What has the author William M Reisinger written?

William M. Reisinger has written: 'Russia's regions and comparative subnational politics' -- subject(s): Politics and government, POLITICAL SCIENCE / General, Subnational governments

What has the author A N Shamsul Hoque written?

A. N. Shamsul Hoque has written: 'Subnational administration in Bangladesh and its role in development' -- subject(s): Administrative and political divisions, Regional planning districts, Subnational governments

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Purnendra Jain has written: 'Japan in decline' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Politics and government, Economic conditions 'Japan's subnational governments in international affairs' -- subject(s): Foreign relations, Subnational governments

If you have a master degree in public administration mpa where can you do a PhD in a relevant field in nigeria?

1-Describe the current state of local and urban governance in Afghanistan. 2-What mechanisms do you recommend for achieving civil society participation in subnational governance (Governance in Provinces, Districts, Municipalities and Villages 3-What mechanisms that you propose for achieving participation of youth in subnational governance? 4What mechanisms that you propose for achieving participation of women in subnational governance?

Is the us a federalist country?

Yes. The United States is a federal system with fifty subnational states.

What is a nome in ancient Egypt?

A Nome in ancient Egypt is was a subnational administrative division of ancient Egypt.

Does Both the federal and state governments have unicameral systems?

No; federal governments have to be bicameral in order to have representation from subnational units.

What has the author Adrian Reilly written?

Adrian Reilly has written: 'The role of subnational government in the EU policy process'

How can you define balance of power?

Balance of power refers to distribution of power between a central government and its subnational governments