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a type of house.

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Q: What is a soddy house?
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What was Soddy?

a type of house.

What does soddy mean?

1) A house built of "Sod" 2) An eroded Lunar Impact Crater

When was Frederick Soddy born?

Frederick Soddy was born on September 2, 1877.

What is Frederick Soddy's birthday?

Frederick Soddy was born on September 2, 1877.

When was Soddy Daisy High School created?

Soddy Daisy High School was created in 1937.

What has the author K Soddy written?

K. Soddy has written: 'Mental health and contemporary thought'

How old was Frederick Soddy at death?

Frederick Soddy died on September 22, 1956 at the age of 79.

What Nobel Prize did Frederick Soddy win and when was it awarded?

Frederick Soddy won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1921.

When did Frederick Soddy die?

Frederick Soddy died on September 22, 1956 at the age of 79.

Who found isotopes?


How old is Frederick Soddy?

Frederick Soddy was born on September 2, 1877 and died on September 22, 1956. Frederick Soddy would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 137 years old today.

What did Frederick Soddy do to become famous?

Frederick Soddy won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1921 for his work on radioactive decay and isotopes. He also proposed the concept of isotopes and their significance in understanding the behavior of elements.