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An individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the second degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the institutional division for any term of not more than 20 years or less than 2 years. In addition to imprisonment, an individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the second degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.

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Velda Stanton

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Q: What is a second felony?
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Involuntary Manslaughter is in fact a Felony.

Is second degree murder a felony in Oregon?

It is a felony in all states. A felony is a crime for which you can go to prison for a year or more, or be executed.

How serious is a felony c?

its the 3rd highest felony you can get think for a second A B C, A is the highest.

What is the worst felony first or second?


What are the categorization of felony?

This can vary slightly by state (from highest punishment to lowest): * Capital Felony * First Degree Felony * Second Degree Felony * Third Degree Felony * State Jail Felony (different states name this differently).

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Is domestic violence a felony in Ohio?

First conviction is a first degree misdemeanor and second conviction is a fifth degree felony.

How long do you do for a second degree felony?

It depends on the type of felony. See the link for the jail times and find the one you are looking for.

What is the punishment by a second degree felony in PA?

Aggravated Felony tomisdemeanor

Is a second DUI a felony?

It depends on the state. Many states will not call a felony until the third DUI, but others call it at the second. There are other factors as well that can make a DUI that would normally be a misdemeanor a felony. The article explains the law in more detail.

What does it mean when a felony case is called?

A felony case is called when someone is charged with what the law considers a serious crime. There are three phases of a felony case: Arraignment (the preliminary hearing), the Second Arraignment (felony pre-trial), and Felony Trial (where a jury will hear the case).

How do you get convivtion?

Easy go out and commit a felony, confess to it and make sure its a bad one like a second degree felony or worse.