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Usually, a Bench Warrant is issued by the judge in the proceeding that you did not show up for. These can be for any court proceeding that you should have been in attendance. More generally speaking, a judge can issue a bench warrant for anybody, and for any reason, although their proceedings are subject to reveiw by higher courts and higher judges. The "to hold" is, I don't think the right terminology. because if you are picked-up on a bench warrant, you will see the judge before you get out.

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16y ago
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13y ago

I think it's just like a normal "warrant" except issued by the courts not the law. Most likely issued for none payment of tickets....Missed a court date.....haven't made a payment for child care...vise versa. It will stay open in that state until "issue" is resolved. If your name gets ran in "ANY" law enforcement computer ie DNR, Police, Child Support etc, you will most likely be arrested on spot, and taken to jail. If your in another state they will extradite you back to the state that has the warrant. From what I've been reading....any state will extradite you for misdomeaners and felonies, then you will have more charges, fines, and you will have the label of a "flight risk" and they ....the courts....won't be light on any thing in the future.

I hope this works!


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15y ago

The judge wants the person arrested and brought before the bench (that being the judge). Usually a bench warrant is for failure to appear or for contempt of court.

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15y ago

A return to a bench warrant is an answer to the Court, whereby the warrant has been served or for some reason has become impossible to serve, as in the case of death.

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15y ago

I've never actually heard that expression used, but the way it's worded - it probably means that the judge is 'considering' the idea of issuing a bench warrant if certain things don't happen.

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12y ago

A bench warrant is a warrant issued from the bench, as opposed to chambers. These warrants are normally issued for failure to appear.

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11y ago

An alias bench warrant is issued if the suspect's real name is not know. It will list the alias as a name the person might go by, might give to law enforcement, etc.

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8y ago

A bench warrant is an arrest warrant issued by a court against a person guilty of some contempt or indicted for some crime, authorizing his or her arrest on sight.

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Is there a difference between a bench warrant and a civil bench warrant?

A bench warrant is a bench warrant whether it is issued by a criminal court judge or a civil court judge.

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Does a bench warrant turn into an arrest warrant after a length of time?

A bench warrant is a warrant for the arrest/apprehension of the person named. It is referred to as a "bench warrant" because the judge presiding over the case in which the individual is involved is the one who issues the warrant.

What does an Order Lifting Bench Warrant mean?

Also known as the recalling of a warrant, this is an order which cancels the bench warrant that was issued.

Will a bench warrant show on a background check?

It is very likely that a bench warrant will show up in a background check. A bench warrant shows a poor level of responsibility.

What is the standard procedure for a judge or the courts to file a bench warrant after being indicted and on what grounds is the warrant issued?

The judge will issue a bench warrant immidiately after the indictment is made. The bail will be set in the warrant. The bench warrant will be issued on the grounds of the indictment.

Is a traffic warrant the same as a bench warrant?

No. A traffic warrant is issued for a specific code violation in this case - traffic. Whereas a "bench" warrant means that the warrant was issued on the authority of the judge for whatever reason.

What is a bench warrant in the state of Wisconsin?

A bench warrant in ANY state is a warrant issued directly by the court, on its own authority, to take the named individual into custody.

Can you be arrested if you have a juvenile bench warrant and you are 18 years old?

yes, a warrant is a warrant.

What if the person who is served a bench warrant does not show?

This doesn't make sense: a person who has been served a bench warrant is arrested and brought to the court that issued the warrant. However if the warrant has a bond amount specified, the person posts it, then doesn't show, then another bench warrant will be issued for a higher or no bond.

How do you prepare a bench warrant in a civil case?

A bench warrant is issued by the Court. A private citizen or his attorney isn't the originating agent, the Court (the judge) is. The Court has sole discretion in this, and cannot be compelled to issue a bench warrant.