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A voter who has signed up with the election board

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12y ago

The states have to power to run elections and register voters.

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Q: What is a registered voter?
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What is registered voter?

A voter who has signed up with the election board

What is an absentee voter?

An absentee voter is a registered voter who is allowed to vote by absentee ballot, due to absence from the district during the election.

What do you need to be in order to vote the constitution?

registered voter

In 1962 the voter education project registered to who?

nandos :)

Who can vote in Rome?

Everyone who is a registered voter can vote in Rome.

Who was the first registered black voter?

George Washington carver

What is eligible voter?

18 years old, registered to vote.

What is the difference between a constituent and a voter?

A constituent is any person within a legislative district, whether they are registered to vote or not. Even if they are not of voting age. A voter is someone qualified (must be a citizen & legally of age to vote. Must live in the district) and registered to vote. For example: a 15 year old is a constituent but not a voter. A 20 year old registered to vote is a possible voter and is also a constituent.

What are the qualifications to be the Governor of Maryland?

You must be 30 years of age and have been both a resident and registered voter for a period of 5 years.

How old do you have to be to be a registered voter in the U.S.?

You must be 18 years of age.

Who has a right to run as a candidate in federal elections?

any registered voter

A person who has registered to vote but has not joined a party is called an?

Independent voter