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Q: What is a ranked authority structure that operates according to specific rules and procedures?
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A school is considered an organization because it has a defined structure with roles and responsibilities, operates under established rules and procedures, works towards specific goals (education), and has resources such as staff, students, and facilities to support its functions.

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The Public Transport Authority in Australia operates Transperth. Transperth is a transportation service providing buses, trains and ferries for the Perth metropolitan area.

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A "Deputy" Sheriff operates under the Sheriffs constitutional authority and if among his assigned duties is the authority to conduct sales... yes.

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How long does a return ticket last on a train?

This depends on the authority that operates the train and the type of ticket. In the US, this can be hours to months, or even no expiration.

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Rational-legal authority is based on written rules and is considered legitimate because it is deemed fair and agreed upon by the people. This type of authority operates within a framework of established laws and regulations that are adhered to by both the government and the governed.