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Q: What is a questioning technique?
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What is the prewriting technique called questioning?

The prewriting technique called questioning involves brainstorming and organizing ideas by asking and answering questions about the topic. It helps to generate ideas, explore different perspectives, and clarify the main points that will be addressed in the writing.

What is a sentence with the word unvaried?

Further questioning will prove my responses to be unvaried. That animal became extinct because its' foraging technique went unvaried.

What are the 6w1h?

when, who,to whom, where, why, what and how.

Which Greek philosopher developed a method of questioning meant to prompt the individual to further considering an issue?

Socrates developed the Socratic method, a technique of questioning designed to stimulate critical thinking and encourage self-examination in individuals. He used this method to engage others in discussions that aimed to uncover underlying beliefs and assumptions.

What is Socratic interrogation?

Socratic interrogation is a questioning technique used to stimulate critical thinking and uncover underlying assumptions. It involves asking probing questions to challenge beliefs and encourage deeper reflection on a topic or issue. This method is based on the teachings of the philosopher Socrates, who believed in the power of questioning to lead to self-discovery and understanding.

What is it called to answer a question with a question?

Responding to a question with another question is known as "reflective questioning" or "reversing the question." It is a technique commonly used in conversations to redirect the focus or prompt further exploration of a topic.

When to use oral questioning?

by questioning the pupils in oral

When was Questioning the Millennium created?

Questioning the Millennium was created in 1997.

How do you the word questioning in a sentence?

Are u questioning my authority, sir

What is so called street questioning method?

Street questioning is a research technique where researchers approach people in public spaces (like streets) to ask them questions or gather information. This method is used to quickly collect data from a diverse range of people and can provide valuable insights into public opinions or behaviors. However, it may have limitations in terms of representativeness and bias.

Thiking and questioning is the start of the what process?

thinking and questioning is the process of brainstorming.

How many pages does Questioning the Millennium have?

Questioning the Millennium has 224 pages.