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A misdemeanor offense is differentiated from a felony offense by the penalty the legislature set. Misdemeanors are punishable by a maximum term in jail of NOT more than 1 year and/or a fine of NOT more than $1,000. Felonies are punishable by incarceration in state prison for a period of MORE than 1 year and/or a fine MORE than $1,000.

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Q: What is a misdeamenor charge?
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Can you receive section 8 with a misdeamenor drug charge?

can you get a section 8 with a drug charge in tennessee

If you went to jail on a felony charge does the jail time cover a previous misdeamenor sentence?

well all i know is that you will extra time in jail

Im on probation in queens and got a misdeamenor charge in Brooklyn will it all add up?

If you are on probation and picked up another new charge, tell your probation officer. If you do not, it will go much harder when the charge catches up to you, and it will.

Will Florida extradite someone being held in Iowa with no criminal charge just holding them on a misdeamenor probation violation and the probation officer has retired?


What Kind of Criminal Charge Is A Release On Recognizance?

A release on recognizance is not a criminal charge, but rather a type of pretrial release where a defendant is not required to post bail but is released based on their promise to appear in court as required.

Can you have a jury trial for a misdeamenor?

Yes in certain states and circumstances.

Can you posses a gun license if you have a misdeamenor?

You will need to get a lawyer to get the correct answer for your situation.

Can you purhcase a firearm with pending misdeamenor charges?

You need a lawyer for a legal, current and correct answer

Do misdeamenor warrants get discharged after many years?

ask you attorney they should explain all of that to you while you are going thru it...

Can someone with a class a misdeamenor aggrevated assault own a firearm?

Not if the assault was on a family member- known as Domestic Violence.

Can a high school student be charged with spitting on someone in their car?

no,but i wouldn't do it Yes, you could be. If they were really committed, they could find a misdeamenor to charge you with. But it'd be a waste of their time. Even if they won, you would be given a fine at best. Or a couple hours of community service. A judge would most likely wave it off though.