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It is a classification of a punishment. Punishable by up to one year in jail and/or up to a $4,000 fine.

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Q: What is a class A misdemeaner?
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Is kicking a misdemeaner?

Yes, if there are charges.

What is a misdemeaner?

A less serious crime

What is violation of section 130.52?

from a simple search with Google that took approximately 10 seconds, I found that N.Y. Penn Law says section 130.52 is "forcible touching" which is a class A misdemeaner.

How do you get your misdemeaner expunged in Calif?

See the below link to see if you qualify;

Misdemeaner gun ownership?

Consult a lawyer familiar with firearms law.

Can you be ticketed for lewdness?

I do not think a ticket is what you get, Lewdness carries different degrees ranging from misdemeaner to felony, especially for lewdness with a Minor. You will be arrested and booked for the charge. In the case of a misdemeaner some jurisdictions may have some sort of ticket that they hand out in lieu or a trip to jail but you would have to check in your local area.

Is under age drinking driving a misdeamor?

depends on the state ,but im almost for sure its a misdemeaner.. could be a felony to a person with a criminal background.

What is the amount of prison time for public indecency in Illinois?

Disorderly conduct varies greatly depending upon the circumstances. It can be anywhere from a Class C Misdemeanor to a Class 3 Felony. Class C Misdemeaner can receive up to 30 days jail time, or up to two years probation and/or a fine of up to $1,500. Class A Misdemeanor (up to a year) or a Class 4 Felony (up to 3 year with extension up to 6) or a Class 3 Felony (up to 5 year with extension up to 10) depending upon circumstances.

What can you get in court from Obstructing an police officer?

Obstructing a police officer is a serious offense. If the obstuction occurs as the officer is investigating, you could be charged with a felony in court. In other situations, it would likely be a misdemeaner.

Is there a chance a one time possession with intent can be pleaded down to a misdemeanor?

Not likely it is possible but more than likely since it was With intent the judge will not let it go from a felony to a misdemeaner. Sorry!!Good luck though

Did randy moss get in a racist fight?

Randy Moss was backing up a friend who had a racist comment made to him by a white male. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeaner and was sentenced to 30 days in jail. He served after finishing his freshman year of college.

How long does a misdemeaner stay on your record?

it depends on the state, but most misdemeanors can be expunged from your record three years after the sentence is carried out. you will have to go back to court to have this done.