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Q: What is a bad thing about juries?
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Related questions

What is the plural possessive form of plural jury?

The plural possessive form of "juries" is "juries'."

What is One responsability only for the US citizens?

To serve on a jury Answer 2 But I can serve on a jury and I'm not a US citizen. I'm British and serve on juries in the UK. My bad. Should have said serve on juries in the US.

Which are the most common in kind benefits?

Grand juries and Petit juries are the two kinds of juries.

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What are the in juries and disorcler of bones

What is the plural for jury?

The plural of 'jury' is juries.

How did Athenian juries different from American juries?

Athenian juries differ from American juries because they were bigger with as much as 501 citizens. the metics were foreigners. They were foreign residents. The rights they had was they could be presented with citizenship, but not have it.

How did Athenian juries differ from American juries?

Athenian juries differ from American juries because they were bigger with as much as 501 citizens. the metics were foreigners. They were foreign residents. The rights they had was they could be presented with citizenship, but not have it.

How did smuggling courts created by the Sugar Act differ from regular courts?

Vice-admiralty courts were run by officers and did not have juries.

What type of courts use Juries?

Only trial courts use juries.

When was Fabian Juries born?

Fabian Juries was born on 1979-02-28.

Is jury plural?

Yes, "jury" is singular while "juries" is plural.

Is no a bad thing to say?

No is not a bad thing to say, but if you use it in a mean way, then it is a bad thing to say