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Q: What is a Similarity and a difference between Benjamin Franklin and Alexander hamilton?
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What face on the paper bills of the US are not president?

Alexander Hamilton on the $10 and Benjamin Franklin on the $100.

Who were Alexander Hamilton's friends?

Washington,ben franklin,john adams ,benjamin franklin

Did Benjamin Franklin invent electrcity?

No Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity he just discovered it. there is a big difference in inventing and discovering.No Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity he just discovered it. there is a big difference in inventing and discovering.

What are some important people from the 1700s?

benjamin franklin , alexander hamilton

Who the federalist leader?

George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton

Who do you call these men George Washington Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton?

Founding Fathers

Who was a founding father but not a us president?

There were seven Founding Fathers: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton. Out of those, four were president and three were not. John Jay, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton never became president of the United States.

Who were the most influential figures in the Constitutional Convention?

Benjamin Franklin, James madison, and Alexander Hamilton

What are four democratic-Republicans?

George Washington Benjamin Franklin Alexander Hamilton James Madison

Is Benjamin Franklin the only non-president on U.S. currency?

No - Alexander Hamilton is on the 10-dollar bill.

Who were the federalists leader?

Thomas Jefferson

What is the significance of Alexander hamilton?

Washington,ben franklin,John Adams ,Benjamin Franklin