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Before arresting somebody a Police Officer must give the suspect a caution. Here is the Police Caution in the UK:

"You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

Then the officer asks, "Do you understand?" The caution differs in different countries, but is based around the same kind of message.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

A police caution is the warning a police officer must give a suspect before arrest (i.e. you have the right to remain silent, anything you do say...etc).

This should not be confused with a caution which is a method of disposal for minor crimes that can be used as an alternative to prosecution. A caution will only be given if the police believe they have enough evidence to prosecute and the individual accepts guilt.

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Does a UK police caution show up with US customs?

Police forces around the world share information, and alert each other on wanted criminals as well as criminal histories. US customs officials have access to a lot of this information. It is definitely possible that a UK police caution would show up with US Customs. It is best for the traveler to plan accordingly.

Difference between police warning and police caution?

Warning is in England, caution in USA

How long does a police caution for criminal damage stay on a criminal record in the UK for a juvenile?

A caution will be cleared of your recored when you are sixteen if you got arrested when you were about 12-13 but if you get arrested until you will have a perminant criminal recored

Can you travel from uk to canada with a criminal record?

Yes, you can travel to Canada with a UK police caution. However, you cannot travel to Canada if you have been charged with a felony in the UK.

Can you still become a UK firefighter if you have a police caution?

yes, you can. Many peole have because you already have a degree. It would bring you closer to your job.

How long do police cautions last in UK?

It depends on the speed of the officer that is saying it. The Police caution in the UK is: "You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." Then the officer asks, "Do you understand?" The caution differs in different countries, but is based around the same kind of message.

Can you emmigrate to Australia with a UK police caution?

Upon entering Australia, you are required to declare any convictions against you. It is then up to the customs officer on duty on how to proceed.

Is there a reason the caution tape used by police are yellow?

The caution tape used by police officers is yellow so that it stands out and is noticeable by the general public. Usually when caution tape is up it is because it is a crime scene.

What does police caution tape say?

Usually the tape says "Police line, do not cross".

Can a police caution prevent you from joining the army?

I would think not.

What is the verb for caution?

Caution is already a verb.Other verbs are cautions, cautioning and cautioned, depending on the tense.Some example sentences for you are:"I am going to caution you for speeding"."The officer cautions the speeding driver"."It looks like the police are cautioning that driver over there"."My mum will kill me when she hears I was cautioned by the police".