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Arrest Warrant

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Q: What is a Capias?
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What is capias ret executed?

Capias Returned Executed

How do you spell capias?

Just like you spelled it, capias

What does court capias mean?

What does capias all circuit court mean

What is a capias recall?

CAPIAS - This word, the signification of which is 'that you take,' is applicable to many heads of practice. Several writs and processes commanding the sheriff to take the person of the defendant are known by the name of capias. For example: there are writs of capias ad respondendum, writs of capias ad computandum, writs of capias ad satisfaciendum, etc., each especially adapted to the purposes indicated by the words used for its designation.

Why would a probation officer issue capias if the person is all ready in custody?

The individual he issued the Capias for may be in jail on another charge, un-related to the Capias he is serving.

What is capias felony?

A capias is a type of arrest warrant issued by a court typically for a failure to appear or comply with a court order. When it is related to a felony, it is usually issued to apprehend a person accused of a serious crime.

How long do capias stay in effect in Virginia?

A capias is a warrant or order for arrest of a person, typically issued by the judge or magistrate in a case. It is an "original' warrant instituted by a judicial officer themself, and not upon the affidavit of law enforcement. It is effective until you are apprehended, the capias is withdrawn by the judicial officer who issued it, or the statute of limitations on the offense runs out.

Is a capias warrant a felony?

no it not a felony

What can you do if your husband has trial and the court put capias warrant on you?

Your HUSBAND is on trial but the court put out a capias on YOU??? What are YOU wanted for? Unable to answer this question - there seems to be MUCH MORE going on than is disclosed in the question. If you know there is a capias for you, turn yourself in and get it over with.

What does the phrase information no capias mean?

A capias is a warrant or order for arrest of a person, typically issued by the judge or magistrate. The phrase "No Capias" would mean either that it IS unnecessary to issue one, WAS unnecessary to issue one, or it my be an instruction NOT to issue one.

What is the meaning of gs capias not. On a warrant issued for my daughter from Tennessee the charge is listed gs capias not can someone please explain what this means.?

GS capias not typically means "general sessions capias not executed" in Tennessee, indicating that the individual failed to appear in court as required. A capias is a type of arrest warrant issued for failing to appear in court, and "not executed" means it has not been served or carried out yet. It's important to address this matter promptly to avoid further legal consequences.

What does no capias mean in a court of law?

A capias is a warrant or writ of detainer issued by a judge or magistrate in order to take someone into custody. "No Capias" could mean several things, but written on a court's docket sheet it would usually mean that no capias WAS issued. This would be a good thing, since capiases are issued whenever a defendant does not obey an order of the court. For example, if you were ordered to court on a parking ticket charge and failed to appear, a capias would be issued. The capias allows all sheriffs (and in many jurisdictions, all law enforcement) to arrest you, in order to bring you before the judge before whom you were originally summoned.