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People that commit these crimes are not blameworthy.

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Q: What is The strongest argument against strict liability crimes is that?
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Crimes that do not require proof of the mental element essential to true crimes are called what crimes?

Strict liability crimes

What crimes are done on women?

The crimes performed against women are the exact same crimes performed against men. Gender does not affect what crimes are afflicted upon a person, both genders experience the same crimes against them.

When was Crimes Against Music created?

Crimes Against Music was created in 2005.

Are crimes limited to physical crimes?

No, there are also "crimes against property," crimes against 'the state' (Treason) as well as a host of innumerable other offenses.

Pardon for crimes against government?

A pardon for crimes against the government is known as amnesty.

What were the defendants in the Tokyo and Nuremberg Trials charged with?

The defendants in the Tokyo Trials were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, while the defendants in the Nuremberg Trials were charged with crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes against peace. Both trials aimed to hold individuals accountable for their roles in the atrocities committed during World War II.

Which is not an argument in support of hate crimes legislation?

Hate crimes legislation sends a message that the United States does not support bigotry.

When was Crimes Against Nature - book - created?

Crimes Against Nature - book - was created in 2004.

Is intent an element of most crimes?

Yes, intent is an element to most crimes. The concept of mens rea deals with intent in crimes. There are some crimes, however, that are strict liability, and therefore have no level of intent requirement.

Nuremberg trials?

The Allies put 24 surviving Nazi leaders on trial for crimes against humanity, crimes against the peace, and war crimes.

What are the example of crimes against fundamental law of state?

Some crimes against the state is treason, sedition and rebellion

What charges were made against Nazis at the Nuremberg Trials?

At the Nuremberg Trials, the Nazis were charged with crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit aggression. These charges encompassed atrocities committed during World War II, including topics such as genocide, crimes against civilian populations, and unlawful warfare.