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Q: What is The act of selecting political supporters for government jobs?
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The distribution of government jobs to political supporters?

The distribution of government jobs to political supporters is called? PatronagePatronage by: Andrea Burke

The practice of giving government jobs to friends and political supporters was known as?

The practice of giving government jobs to friends and political supporters was known as the spoils system.

Patronage system how were many people chosen for government jobs?

Supporters of a political party were rewarded with jobs.

The spoils system referred to the?

appointment of friends and political supporters to government positions.

Which president started the practice of giving government jobs to political supporters?

Andrew Jackson

President Andrew Jackson used the spoils system to?

provide jobs to political party supporters

What is the act of giving government jobs to supporters of the party that wins an election?

The spoils system

What practice of giving government jobs to friends and political supporters was known as?

Cronyism gives political appointments or government jobs to political friends. Conversely, nepotism refers to giving government jobs to members of the politician's family.

What did Jackson's practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs become known as?

It is commonly called the "spoils system" based on the adage that "to the victors go the spoils" (rewards from winning). It can also be called "political patronage" where jobs and public contracts are given to political supporters, and especially to contributors.

What is the practice of rewarding government jobs to loyal supporters of the party that wins an election?

The spoils system involves loyal supporters of a politician being rewarded upon successful election with jobs in the government position or official honors and powers awarded. This is common in the American political system although it is not officially condoned.

The practice by Jackson and others of rewarding political supporters with jobs was called?


What is the spoil systems?

The spoils system was a practice where people were given government jobs on the basis of their political support. The system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power.