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A one part legislature is unicameral as opposed to a twwo part system, like Congress, which is bicameral.

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Q: What is One part legislature plan?
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What plan called for bicameral legislature?

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What was the new jersey plan of union?

- one house legislature - liked by small states

What is a New Jersey plan?

Its a proposal for a legislature in which each state would have one vote.

What is new Jersey plan?

A New Jersey Plan is a plan of government proposed at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 that called for a one-house legislature in which each state would have one jersy had a plan

What plan suggested a two-legislature for the national government?

The Virginia plan

How did the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan each propose to structure the new national legislature?

The Virginia Plan proposed that the new legislature have representation based on a states population. The New Jersey Plan proposed that the new legislature let each state have the same number of representatives.

What New Jersey plans?

A New Jersey Plan is a plan of government proposed at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 that called for a one-house legislature in which each state would have one jersy had a plan

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The Virginia Plan

What plan suggested a two-house legislature for the national government?

The Virginia plan