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The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is the primary way for determining tariff aka customs duties and fees for goods imported into the United States.

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Q: What is Harminized Tarrif Schedule US?
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Do I have to pay duty on imports at customs?

First it depends on the item is it is concidered duty exempt by the Harminized Tarrif Schedule USA. Depending on the comodity it can be exempt any duty. Once the rate is determined (if any), local/state may pose a have a limit on the comodity.

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None that I know of.

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"An orange tarrif is a tax on oranges. This can be found in other countries around the world, but the United States usually does not offer this. Tarrif's are more commonly known as taxes."

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A tarrif is an quantity and value based trade restriction. In compound tarrifs, a value based tarrif is payed along with a fixed rate on quantity. That is it is a mixed or compound rate.

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