You just did ... and correctly ... campaign.
form_title=Create a Public Relations Campaign form_header=Deliver to your consumer base with a strong public relations campaign. What is your main focus for the campaign?=_ What is your budget for the campaign?=_ What is the duration of the campaign?=_ What services will the campaign use?=_
It's called a campaign.
The Civil War campaigns were the complex of military operations aiming to reach a strategic objective like: seizing a strategic point or city, destroying or capture an enemy's army. The most important of them were: the Peninsular Campaign; the Vicksburg Campaign; Lee's Maryland Campaign; Lee's Pennsylvania Campaign; the Chattanooga Campaign; the Overland Campaign; the Petersburg Campaign; the Atlanta Campaign; the March to the Sea Campaign; Hood's Tennessee Campaign; the Appomattox Campaign.
depending on what you mean "campaign" by i would say gaming campaign, if you mean gaming campaign, it usually means that the campaign wasnt as good as it was talked up
ONE Campaign's motto is 'The Campaign to Make Poverty History'.
Lee Atwater was campaign manager in 1988.
The Campaign ribbons are issued for service in a specific region. Since there were multiple campaigns in a region, the campaign ribbon could be earned for each campaign. For example, if a soldier served in the Normany Campaign and then in the German campaign, he would be credited with two Europe-Middle East Campaign ribbons. A bronze Star "device" was worn after the 1st campaign was awarded.
I was in a campaign when i wanted to be president.
his /her Campaign manager
It was called the Vicksburg Campaign.
Birmingham campaign happened in 1963.