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Q: What is A formal charge filed by the prosecutor in minor criminal cases?
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What is the governments role in criminal cases?

The govenment is the prosecutor and is a 'stand-in' for "the People."

Define crown prosecutor?

a crown prosecutor is basically the British version of our prosecutor or district attorney who work for the government and the people by investigating and trying criminal cases

Which official prosecutes most criminal cases?

The prosecutor's or district attorney's offices most often prosecute the majority of cases.

What kind of cases do district attorney get?

District attorneys are responsible for handling criminal cases. They don't handle federal cases, but act as the prosecutor for a state case.

Are most criminal cases are processed through the entire formal justice?


What is the role of the adversarial system in criminal and civil trails?

The short answer is yes, although in Criminal cases it is a little bit different. The difference is that in the criminal case the State is represented by the prosecutor who has a duty not specifically to win the case but rather to seek justice. This would mean that the prosecutor has an obligation to represent the interests of the defendant as well and if the prosecutor knows or has reason to believe the defendant is in fact not guilty the prosecutor must consider that issue in pursuing the case. For how criminal and civil matters proceed, see the related links below.

Are a prosecutor and district attorney the same?

Prosecutor is a generic term to describe the official, usually employed by the executive authority of a place, to enforce criminal laws through coordination with the police. In the American criminal justice system, the prosecutor decides what cases should be tried in court and presents "the people's" case. "DA" usually stands for "District Attorney", which is a more-specific term for a prosecutor. A District Attorney is normally an independently elected official who performs the role of prosecutor for a given area. Prosecutor is general; DA is specialized.

What does the legal term flight risk mean?

If a Defendant is considered a 'flight risk' in a Court proceeding, it is usually brought up during a serious criminal charge case and the Prosecutor either believes the Defendant will not voluntarily appear at the hearings due to a past of fleeing during prior criminal cases and/or will likely flee if he/she currently has the means to flee.

What area of law is responsible for criminal law?

ALL law enforcement agencies AND the prosecutor's office (Executive Branch of government) are charged with enforcing criminal law. The courts (Judicial Branch) are responsible for trying the cases.

Who brings up the charges?

Charges are typically brought up by a prosecutor on behalf of the government in a criminal case. In civil cases, charges are usually initiated by the plaintiff or their attorney.

Can the store manager withdraw the shoplifting case?

Not if it is a criminal case brought by the government prosecutor as a criminal matter. The manager cannot dismiss a case on his own. What he can do is tell the prosecutor he does not to proceed with it and ask the prosecutor to dismiss the case. In that situation, a prosecutor will almost always dismiss the case, because he will not have a good witness. As a practical matter, most prosecutors would consider the case small potatoes when he has drunk driving, careless driving and drug cases to take care of instead of what might be a minor theft.