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A past employer may give a prospective employer an overview of the employee's employment record. They can give their opinion about the employee's character.

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Q: What information is a past employer allowed to give a prospective employer in the state of Missouri?
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Is a previous employer allowed to tell a prospective employer why an employee was fired in Nevada?

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What questions are a prospective employer allowed to ask a previous employer in the state of Texas?

Background checks are unregulated.

What is a previous employer allowed to tell a prospective employer in New Jersey?

You dates of employment and what position you held.

Is a previous employer allowed to tell a prospective employer why an employee was fired in California?

Yes. The legal implications would only be if they lied and caused you harm.

Why would a prospective employer be interested in your health?

A prospective employer may be interested in your health because many employers pay a portion of their employees' health insurance. Health insurance premiums may be higher if you are in poor health or a regular smoker. However, a potential employer is not legally allowed to ask questions about health during an interview.

What are previous employers allowed to say to other employers inquiring about you and can they reveal that you've been fired in the state of Ohio?

If a prospective employer calls your previous employer, the previous employer can say whatever they feel is true. If you don't want a bad reference, you may not want to put your previous employer on the application.

Are there any laws in the state of California limiting what a previous employer and tell a prospective employer about an ex employee?

I don't know about in California but I heard that an employer is not allowed to tell anything about an ex employee unless used as a reference. If you just use the employer as a previous job all they are supposed to be allowed to verify is that you did work there and the dates. However if you put them down as a reference and a prospective employer calls them they can elaborate on your character as well.

Is your employer allowed to give you a bad reference if you are sacked?

No, an employer can only tell a potential new employer that you were terminated. They are not suppose to give any more information than that, however, ther are ex-employers that will over indulge on information.

Is an employer allowed to breach employment status information with other employees in the organization?

Your employment status is not confidential, it is info that BELONGS to the employer to use as it sees fit.

If you file a lawsuit against your company eg for discrimination does the next future employer hear about it Will it be in a reference or records that they are allowed to release?

AnswerNO! a lawsuit is a filing in court and employers are STRICTLY forbidden from discussing an ongoing court action; furthermore the ONLY information a former employer may release to a prospective future employer is simply the dates you were employed with them, and whether or not you are eligible for re-hire. if they release ANY information beyond that, it is cause for further action; however, if you work in an "at-will state" that is VERY diffcult to prove as cause for why you did not get the job.

Is your current employer allowed to tell a potential employer that you are on a leave of absence?

is my employer allowed to tell a lender that I have been using paid medical leave

What is an ex employer allowed to say to a potential employer?
